Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Little Toe

So just an update on my little toe...

I went to a foot doctor today who told me I had dislocated my small toe on my left foot. I may or may not have been playing soccer volleyball barefoot this weekend on a dimly-lit turf field, which ended in me pulling up lame before my team could pull a comeback cougars. The doctor numbed my toe with Novocaine, which was probably the most painful experience of my life. He took a needle to that little toe and stabbed in and around the joint until I had tears running down my face and was gasping for breath. Once that was over with he pushed and pulled it back into place, thankfully while I was reclined and unable to see exactly how much pressure he was using. I had a feeling it was pretty strong seeing as his hands were shaking while they were holding my toe.

Once everything looked normal on the x-ray, he taped it up and delivered the news that I'm not allowed to do anything remotely athletic for 3 weeks until the bones reset. Apparently the small toes normally just break, but mine dislocated instead. I assume this is better, though he said if I wasn't leaving for Africa they would have inserted a pin into the toe to ensure that it heals straight. Thank God I'm leaving on Friday.


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